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English Music Club Set List 2024

Seven Nation Army The White Stripes

Believer Imagine Dragons


Let There


Be Rock!







Baby Said Maneskin

Hymn for the weekendColdplay

Genre : Rock Year : 2023 Nationality : Maneskin are Italian but they sing in English Meaning of the song : is a song that talks about a conversation where one person is trying to get to know the other on a deeper level, asking questions about their views on religion, their relationship with their mother, and their dreams and past lovers. However, the other person is not interested in having this conversation.

Genre : Rock / Garage Rock Year : 2003 Nationalitiy : Jack & Meg White are American. They were husband and wife. Meaning : « The title of the song originates from what Jack White thought the Salvation Army was called when he was a child. (…) This song deals with The White Stripes' rising popularity and the negatives that came with it. After White came up with the riff, he devised a storyline in which a protagonist comes into town and all his friends are gossiping about him. "He feels so bad he has to leave town, but you get so lonely you come back," said White. "The song's about gossip. It's about me, Meg and the people we're dating". » Source : https://www.songfacts.com/facts/the-white-stripes/seven-nation-army

Genre : Pop Year : 2015 Nationality : Coldplay are British - Beyoncé is American Meaning of the song : according to Christ Martin "Hymn for the Weekend" by Coldplay is about finding the ability to do awesome things together with someone whose impact in your life verges on the "angelic."

Genre : Pop Rock Year : 2017 Nationality : Imagine Dragons are American Meaning of the song : in an interview for the American Magazine People, Dan Reynolds, the singer of the band, stated that the lyrics were about fighting his own personal health problem, as well as all the troubles caused by his life as a professional touring musician (anxiety, depression...)